Sensitive System Respiratory Booster Capsules

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Give your body a fighting chance against respiratory and viral infections with Gagoti Healing's Sensitive System organic capsules Respiratory booster capsules!  

This formula is similar to the one used to help Doug's "Doc'" own son with Influenza A. The only difference, the Sensitive capsules contain calendula instead of echinacea. Echinacea has been known to cause a flareup in those with autoimmune diseases such as lupus or MS. 

Over a period of three weeks, Neil went to the hospital twice by ambulance. Both times, the hospital sent him back home with the diagnosis of Influenza A without being treated.  After being sent home from the hospital the second time with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, feeling like he was dying he finally called his dad, Doc. Upon hearing this, Doc gave him our Cherokee Gold Upper Respiratory Viral Infection organic capsules.  Within 3 days of taking the capsules, the fever,  diarrhea and vomiting stopped and he started eating again. 

Over the past couple weeks, the Charlie Lake household fought a round of stomach aches, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, fever and body aches.

Tracy woke up one morning with a fever. She called Victoria, our Director of Research and Development, for a bottle of our capsules. Tracy took three capsules through the day. The next morning when she woke up, her fever was gone and she felt great! 

Charlies' son, C.J. had also been showing symptoms of the same kind. When he saw Tracy feeling better, he started taking Cherokee Gold capsules too. In just a couple days, C.J. felt better and went back to work.

Charlie saw all this going on around him and took the capsules because he didn't want to get sick. He never did and believes that is because of Cherokee Gold Upper Respiratory Viral Infection capsules. 

The Midwest is torture on anyone with seasonal allergies!  

Our Distributor  in Taylor, MO, Andrea Stolte owns a successful grooming / boarding shop. Her friend and employee (Constance) fought congestion, headaches, sinus infections, phlegm, loss of energy and more. She went through two different Rx from her doctor. It would clear up, but then kept coming back. Finally, she tried Gagoti's herbal formula. After three days, Constance was back to normal and the sickness did NOT come back. 

Andrea, herself, has used Cherokee Gold Upper Respiratory Viral Infection capsules on a sinus infection twice with great success! 

This Cherokee inspired herbal formula has been tested through the years in people with gout and other internal infections. 

Gagoti's herbal formula has been used during an anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting

(mixed the herbs directly with water and drank); calming the reaction to a manageable condition before the ambulance arrived for further treatment! 

Cherokee Gold Upper Respiratory Viral Infection organic capsules have been a great help to the body in fighting irritants, infection, and the unwanted in the respiratory system. 



Each capsule is filled with just under 1 ml of Gagoti's highly concentrated proprietary herbal blend. 

1 jar contains 30 capsules.

Experience has shown 7-10 capsules on average necessary for relief. This jar typically contains enough for more than one family member to use and could be considered "family size". 

Contains Vitamins: A-C-K B1-B2-B3-B complex, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, blood coagulant, blood purifier, rapid wound sealing agent, mucilage agent, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, tannis, beta carotene, carbohydrates, hexose. (calendula, plantain, slippery elm)


Disclaimer: Information contained is for personal, informational and educational purposes only. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a medical professional before the use product. DO NOT USE if you are PREGNANT or NURSING.  


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