Pain Formula

  • $20.00
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Otherwise.... this is one of the best natural pain formulas around! A Cherokee inspired formula of Doc's for over 25 years!!

Made with the perfect blend of Ginko Biloba, Hops, Wild Lettuce, White Willow bark (This is what aspirin is made from), Cat's Claw, and Passion Flower, this formula provides relief from more than the everyday ache and pain.  Customers have reported relief from pains associated with arthritis, anxiety, headaches & migraines, back & lower back pain. 

Do your research and then remember Gagoti Healing will ALWAYS have FREE STANDARD SHIPPING!!! 

Disclaimer: Information contained is for personal, informational and educational purposes only. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a medical professional before the use product. DO NOT USE if you are PREGNANT or NURSING.